What To Do About The Freon Phase-Out

As a part of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act, a particular type of refrigerant known as R-22 is currently being phased out worldwide. The elimination of R-22 (also called Freon) is considered an Ozone Depleting Substance (ODS), which has been banned from production as of January 1, 2020. However, for those who already use R-22 refrigerant to cool their homes, there are a few options.


The ban of R-22 is not immediate. As a part of the phase-out, it can still be sold, even though it is not currently in production. However, this has caused the price of R-22 to increase significantly as the remaining quantities are limited.

R-22, or Freon, is used in almost all HVAC units that were installed prior to 2010. That means it’s highly likely that yours uses this refrigerant which will soon be off the market. This means your HVAC unit will need an alternative.


The good news is that you should only need to add freon to your HVAC in the event of a refrigerant leak. It’s not needed as a part of general maintenance. R-22’s main purpose is to help make the air colder, so if your air is feeling warmer than it should, that might be a sign that you are low on Freon.

If you aren’t ready to replace your entire system but are low on Freon, you might consider what’s called a “drop-in” refrigerant. This is an alternative that is more environmentally friendly, and less expensive as well. This is a good temporary solution for most older HVAC units, provided that they are compatible with a “drop-in” replacement.

Another possible option is R-207c refrigerant, which will save some money but can ultimately cause your unit to love efficiency and life expectancy.


In reality, freon replacements are only a good fit for HVAC units of a specific age. If your unit is between 12 and 15 years old and seems to be low on Freon, you are probably better off replacing the entire system. This does bring increased upfront costs, but the efficiency and quality of a new state-of-the-art system will not only save you on monthly electric bills, but it will also provide peace of mind about not having heating and cooling issues in the future.


If your HVAC unit needs a tune-up, refrigerant replacement, or a brand new system, let The Bosworth Company help you. Our certified professionals can find the solution that fits your home and budget. Call us today at (432) 570-5233 or make an appointment online. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

3 Ways to Prep Your Plumbing for Fall

Here in Midland and Odessa, we’re still enjoying the hottest parts of summer! But relief from the heat is on the way. Before fall hits, it’s a good idea to get a few routine checks done on your plumbing system. In this post, we’ll offer some practical advice on what you can do on your own, and when you should consider calling a professional.


What starts as a drip, drip, drip can turn into a major problem – fast. Now imagine if you’re out of town when a pipe breaks or the flooding starts. If you have an end-of-summer trip planned, you should definitely do these easy checks.

Check all the water sources both inside and outside your house. This includes all faucets, sinks, showers, etc. Check the faucet itself, as well as for leaks around the toilet and underneath the sink. Even moisture in these areas can indicate a problem. Another hint could be a spike in your water bill. If that’s the case, you could have a hidden leak that will require professional help to find and fix.


Your water heater is something you rarely notice unless it’s not working. But you can help extend its life with regular maintenance. We recommend draining and flushing the heater once a year. This will keep bills low and water hot!


Have a drain that just seems to drain slowly? A minor clog will eventually turn into a major one, and leave you completely stopped up. This goes for bathroom or kitchen sinks, as well as showers and tubs. Take care of these issues now, before it starts to get cold. Chemical drain cleaners will break down the clog – but they can damage your pipes as well, and are not recommended for amateurs. If the clogs are recurring, you could have an issue with your sewer or drain line, which would require professional help.


If it’s time for some routine plumbing maintenance at your house, give The Bosworth Company a call. Our friendly technicians can answer your questions, show you what you need, and help get your home ready for fall. Make an appointment online or call us today at 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

6 Signs It’s Time for a New Water Heater

There isn’t much better than a hot shower after a long day at work. But there isn’t much more frustrating than having that steamy shower turn cold on you before you’re ready to get out. If that’s a common occurrence in your home, chances are it’s time for a new water heater. In this post, we’ll take a look at six of the most common signs that it’s time for a new one.


Brown/rusty water: Sometimes water can appear clear when you turn on the faucet, but will appear dirty once it starts to warm up. This can be a result of rust inside your water tank. When the line starts drawing that warm water from the tank, the water can appear red or brown. It’s a tell-tale sign your water heater is getting old.

External corrosion: Rust can impact the outside of the tank as well. If you notice rust spots or corrosion on the exterior of your tank, that means you’ve sprung a leak. The leak means there’s likely rust on the inside too. Draining the tank will tell you just how bad it is.

Tank leak: Even if you don’t have any visible corrosion, you could still have a leak. Make sure to check the area around the base of your tank to make sure no water is getting out.

Bad taste: Excess contaminants from an old tank can also make your water taste less fresh. Your water may taste and even smell like metal.

Loud noises: If rust is building up in the tank, it can block passages and lead to strange noises or loud bangs coming from the water heater. It also limits the tank size, which can cause a rise in your bills.

Shortage of hot water: Maybe the water is rust-free, but it just doesn’t stay warm. As we mentioned above, this can be very frustrating when you’re hoping for a hot shower or bath. When the heating function goes, the water heater is useless.


You flush your toilet every time you use it, but it can be a good idea to flush your water heater as well. Draining your tank about once a year will help prevent sediment buildup. This is especially important in the Midland and Odessa areas, as the water tends to be harder, and contain more contaminants. Flushing the tank can be accomplished by a homeowner – see basic instructions in this previous post.


A good hot water heater should last from 8-12 years depending on a variety of factors, including how well you maintain it. If you’re experiencing problems with the heater and it’s more than 12 years old, it’s usually a good idea to purchase a new one instead of paying for repairs. If you’re not sure how old it is, be sure to check the label.


When you’re ready to go for a new water heater – or even try a new tankless water heater – The Bosworth Company has you covered. Call us today at 432-570-5233 or make an appointment online, and we’ll introduce you to the option that’s right for you. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

Lennox Packaged Units

These days efficiency is king. That’s why The Bosworth Company is proud to offer a full lineup of Lennox HVAC products, including new and improved packaged units. These units combine efficiency with function and affordability. These systems are a great choice if you’re looking to upgrade your entire system, as they’ll provide full comfort in the heat of summer and the chill of winter.


If a product is efficient, that means you can stay comfortable for a lower cost – in other words, high efficiency means high value! Lennox packaged units come with a SEER rating of either 14 or 16 and an AFUE value of 81. Despite these high-quality specs, installation can be quite affordable. That’s because the units come as a package: the air conditioner, furnace, and humidifier all in one.


Lennox packaged units can handle all your home comfort needs. Our experts can help you select the unit that’s the right size for your home. With the generally mild winters that are common in Midland and Odessa, you’ll want a heat pump that can handle a cold blast, but a heater meant for Alaska would be a bad fit.

When it comes to the heat, a high-efficiency air conditioner will manage the heat in your home, as well as help control dust and allergens.


The key to a packaged unit is not only keeping costs down but also making for an easy installation. All the heating and cooling components come in one compact installation. That means only one unit for both heating and cooling, instead of two. It also means a single blower and air handler. The unit is heavy duty with a base rail made of galvanized steel that keeps it off the ground to prevent corrosion and improve handling. The redesigned cabinet features an improved seal between compartments and channels water away from the unit.


Ready to upgrade to a new system that will save you money and keep you comfortable at the same time. Let The Bosworth Company tell you all about the new Lennox packaged units. Call us today at 432-570-5233 or make an appointment online. It’s Worth the Call. Always.


6 Reasons Sleep Temperature Matters

West Texas summers bring long, hot sunny days. But they also bring hot nights. Even if the temperature dips into the 70s, that’s still too hot for a lot of people to get a good night’s sleep. That’s why it’s important to have a working air conditioner and to make sure it’s set at the right temperature. In this post, we’ll help you find the perfect temperature to ensure a good night’s sleep – while keeping electricity costs down as well.


If you feel like you don’t get enough quality sleep, there could be several potential issues. Factors in your diet can have an impact, as can your daily routine and even the stresses of daily life. But the wrong temperature in your room can lead to poor sleep as well. Most adults are most comfortable sleeping in a room that’s between 62 and 68 degrees. Our bodies cool down at the end of the day (just like the outside temperature) signaling that it’s time for rest.

Keeping a comfortable temperature and getting lots of rest is good for your overall health and quality of life for a variety of reasons:

  • Insomnia: Poor sleep can lead to a vicious cycle: you’re tired during the day, then can’t fall asleep at night. A cooler room at night will help you get to sleep, making it easier to get back in rhythm.
  • Melatonin: Your body releases a hormone called melatonin when it’s ready for sleep. Melatonin helps fight heart disease, cancer, and other ailments. A cooler room helps your body produce more melatonin.
  • Metabolism: The rate that your body digests food is called metabolism. Metabolism also improves in cooler temperatures. A higher metabolism makes it easier to lose weight – and burn more calories during an active day.
  • Diabetes: If you suffer from type 2 diabetes, losing weight could save your life. While metabolism helps burn fat, it also helps you maintain “good fat” that’s important for your health.
  • Productivity: A good night’s sleep means plenty of energy for the day. No need to nap during the day if a properly cooled room helps you sleep at night. You’ll fall asleep faster, enjoy deeper sleep, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed.
  • Stress/Depression: Stress and depression can lead to poor sleep, and poor sleep can lead to stress and depression. Help to avoid it by finding your ideal sleep temperature.


To find your temp, vary the temperature over the course of a few nights and see how well you get rest. You might start out at 67, then move it up or down depending on how well you sleep each night. Eventually, you’ll find your ideal temperature.


The Bosworth Company offers a variety of HVAC products to help you find that perfect temperature. State-of-the-art thermostats will even let you set the temp on your phone. To make an appointment with one of our experts, go online or call us today at 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

Landscape Lighting Ideas & Benefits

You may not always appreciate it, but West Texas has some of the nicest weather around. Think about it – hot, but not humid summers, mild winters, and a thunderstorm season that pales in comparison to our neighbors in Lubbock or Abilene. All this begs the question – are you taking advantage by spending enough time outside? The licensed electricians at The Bosworth Company can help by installing beautiful exterior lighting to enhance any outdoor space. In this post, we’ll discuss a few ideas and the advantages of effective outdoor lighting for your outdoor landscape.


There are many ways to design your yard lighting to appeal to outdoor living. Maybe you want one high-powered light source that focuses on a particular feature of your yard. It could be a bench, table, fountain, statue, pool, or even your prized grill! More subtle ideas could include casting a shadow onto a wall or fence, or placing lights behind shrubbery to create a soft glow. What about lights hanging from a pergola or tree to provide some ambiance? Area lighting can illuminate an entire space! The possibilities are endless, and we’re here to make it happen.


We’ve talked about enjoying the outdoors after dark, but there are safety and security advantages to lighting as well. Lights around your home are a natural deterrent to burglars who would be easily spotted by passers-by or cameras. Motion-sensing lights can be strategically placed around the exterior of your home to scare off prowlers, or even animals who may come near your property.

For personal safety, lighting can extend into your yard or driveway making sure you have a safe path home. This can be especially helpful to adequately highlight steps or changes in landscape surfaces.


Don’t forget that you also have a choice when it comes to fixtures. These can be fixed to your home, hung from a tree, stick out from your yard, or even be built directly into your hardscaping, such as concrete. Pick the fixture, pick the bulb, pick the intensity – it’s up to you!


Are you ready to enhance your outdoor experience? Give The Bosworth Company a call today and let us shine some light on the situation! You can make an appointment online, or call us at 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

New Lennox Alert Codes (And Why You’ll Love Them)

At the end of the day, when you contact The Bosworth Company for your HVAC needs, what you’re really looking for is comfort. With so many state-of-the-art options, there’s a lot that goes right – but occasionally something could go wrong, and we want to be there when it does. In this post, we’ll take a look at new alert codes from Lennox products, and how this small upgrade will help us provide even better service to you and your home.


You know when the check engine light flashes on your dashboard? Should you stop the car immediately? Or are you just due for an oil change? Oftentimes, it can be tough to tell.

The same thing can happen with your thermostat. You know something’s wrong, but the exact problem is unclear. The brand new Lennox iComfort thermostat aims to fix that problem. When there’s an issue, instead of a generic alert, you’ll see exactly what the issue is. You’ll also know if it’s something you can fix on your own, or if you need to give a professional a call.


New alert codes will explain the issue. It won’t be a loud or blaring alarm you can’t figure out how to turn off. It also won’t be graphics that need to be decoded. Instead, look for easy-to-understand language that includes actionable information. If you do need to call a pro, we’ll be able to quickly and easily diagnose the issue and get it taken care of, reducing costs and increasing convenience.


Lennox recognizes the importance of explaining the seriousness of a given issue. If a thermostat was beeping or blaring, homeowners may be worried the problem is more serious than it actually is. In some cases, loud/large graphics might make homeowners think immediate attention was necessary – even if it was just a reminder that it’s time for routine maintenance.

The new alerts will state clearly one of five messages:

  • Service urgent
  • Service soon
  • Service soon/service urgent
  • Maintenance
  • Information only dealer (this one doesn’t require any action)

This way homeowners will know exactly what steps to take to make sure the issue is resolved.

The new alert system will also provide a two-letter code so you can identify the source of the issue.


Since your thermostat can be synced with your cell phone, you can also select to get alerted when your thermostat detects an issue. Like the on-screen alerts, the messages sent to your phone are crafted to be clear and easy to decipher.


We are so excited about the iComfort thermostat from Lennox and its new, convenient alert codes. As a premier Lennox dealer, The Bosworth Company can set you up with comfort, efficiency, value, and peace of mind in no time! Make an appointment online, or call us at 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

Summer Ready HVAC

Despite a rainy May, it appears summer is finally here in West Texas. As the temperatures continue to heat up, you’ll hopefully be staying cool in your home, thanks to a highly efficient air conditioning unit. In this post, we’ll explain a few things you can do to ensure that you stay cool, without breaking the bank with high energy bills.


We’ll start with saving money because that’s something we can all agree on. In the hottest parts of the summer, running your HVAC can account for up to half of your total monthly energy bill! If you’ve ever had a summer-time breakdown, you know the costs can really add up. The fan is on, but your home isn’t getting any cooler! That’s why it’s important to make sure your entire system is regularly maintained to ensure this doesn’t happen.


Like any appliance, your HVAC has a shelf life. But taking care of it now will lengthen the life span. We recommend getting your entire system serviced twice a year. When it is time to purchase a new unit, you’ll need an expert to help you navigate the many state-of-the-art options that are available. These new features create more comfort and efficiency.


There are many jobs around the house that can be tackled by a weekend warrior, DIY diva, or common handyman. HVAC work is not one of them. Any work regarding any part of your HVAC unit, from air conditioners to heat pumps and furnaces, should be checked out by a professional. HVAC technicians at The Bosworth Company are NATE certified, meaning they are fully trained on all elements of your unit, including issues with filtration and ventilation, heating, refrigerant, and electrical work.


While we don’t recommend trying to make any HVAC repairs on your own, there are some things you can do to make it easier to know when professional maintenance is necessary. Just do your homework about the model and age of your unit so you know when to ask for help!


So, is your HVAC ready for summer? The Bosworth Company can evaluate your unit and let you know what it needs to make sure it keeps running strong all summer long – and for years to come. Make an appointment online today or by calling 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

A/C tips

Feeling hot, hot, hot? It’s that time of year, and your HVAC unit is working hard to keep you cool! Keeping you cool is great, but an A/C that’s working too hard could burn out – leaving you feeling the heat. In this post, we’ll explore a few ways you can take care of your system, before getting burned. Practicing these tips will help make sure your HVAC stays running effectively and efficiently for years to come.


One way to lower bills and give your AC a break is by turning the thermostat up while you’re away from the house. Especially if you’re gone for several hours during the day, move the temp up a few degrees so your HVAC isn’t constantly working to cool the house. If you have a programmable thermostat, you can set it to start cooling before you get home so it’s the perfect temperature by the time you arrive.


If air filters are clogged or dirty, that means your AC is working harder to force air through. A simple solution is making sure you clean or replace them regularly.


Quick – what’s the warmest place in your home? You probably don’t spend much time in the attic, but if you did you’d know it can get really hot! For most people, the HVAC unit is housed in the attic, so too much heat can lead to the unit overheating. How about installing a fan or two in the attic to keep it just a bit cooler? That would help make sure the AC keeps you cool!


Think about some of the areas where heat can be generated in your home – and eliminate them. This can include things like keeping doors and windows shut so the heat can’t get in! It also means using the stove or oven, or even showering during cooler times of the day if possible. Even closing blinds that face direct sunlight will help keep your home naturally cooler.


Insulation helps separate the inside air from the outside air. This can be beneficial in the summer or winter. Updated insulation in walls, ceilings, and attic will help keep the cool air in! You can also reinforce seals around windows and doors.


One of the most important ways to keep your A/C running smoothly is regular maintenance. You can schedule an appointment with one of our HVAC experts online, or by calling 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.

Arsenic in Water

Many of our posts touch on the hassle of hard water, which is particularly problematic in West Texas. However, hard water is primarily just a nuisance, not necessarily a danger. However, there is another potential contaminant in West Texas water that can be dangerous. In this post, we’ll discuss arsenic, and how its presence is more common here than in any other region of the country.


Arsenic occurs naturally in groundwater. It’s particularly a problem in our area due to the bedrock below the surface. The EPA recommends no more than 5 parts per billion of concentration as a standard for safe drinking – however, even trace amounts can have side effects, especially for children.


As mentioned, arsenic is found in groundwater. Public water systems generally use chlorine treatments for disinfection which removes virtually all of the potentially harmful arsenic. However, if you are on well water, it’s even more important that you have an in-home water filtering solution.


Reverse osmosis, commonly called RO for short, is a filtering process for water in your home. The selectively permeable membrane works by allowing the fresh H2O to pass through while trapping arsenic and other contaminants in the filter. Depending on the type of arsenic in your water, RO can be a solution to help ensure the water you’re drinking is safe.

One of the benefits of RO is that it can be installed for your entire home, or be set up on particular faucets. To combat arsenic, you may choose to only use an RO filter in the kitchen but not in the bathroom, since you wouldn’t normally drink or cook with water from the bathroom. While arsenic can be harmful to drink, it is not shown to be dangerous for washing or bathing unless in abnormally high concentrations that would not occur under typical circumstances.


The Bosworth Company has a variety of water purification solutions for your home or business, including reverse osmosis. If you use well water and want to reduce the amount of arsenic, or even if you just want better-tasting water for your home, give us a call today. You can make an appointment online, or call us at 570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.