Getting Dust Under Control

Does it ever feel like you’re doing the same thing over and over, but you just can’t make it right? That can be especially frustrating when it comes to household chores. Think about dusting. After wiping down frames, furniture, and even that spot at the back of the bookcase – the dust is back…again! Dust, unfortunately for us allergy sufferers, is inevitable, but there are ways to prevent the rapid accumulation of it. In this post, we’ll examine some of the causes, and some solutions.


Air filters are one of those things that everyone knows you should change, but very few do. Some people even say they’ve NEVER replaced a filter! What you may not realize is that this can increase the dust in your home. If it’s so bad that your A/C evaporator coils get dusty, that will send dusty air throughout your home.

IMPORTANT: If your filters seem clean, but your furniture is dusty, that could mean you’re not using the proper type of filter. You might need air filters with a higher MERV rating. They’ll need to be changed out frequently, but you’ll notice the difference as they collect dust when it comes through the vent.

It’s also important to change your filters when they clog up with dust. Not doing so can be bad for your HVAC unit…and your electric bill!


Vacuuming cleans your carpet but you’re kicking up dust as you go, spreading it around your house. We’re not telling you to not vacuum; just consider that it will make your home a little more dusty every time you do. Many newer vacuum models have great features to help reduce the spread of dust. If the vacuum has a HEPA filter, you’re on the right track. HEPA stands for “High-Efficiency Particulate Rate” and means the dust will stay in the vacuum instead of getting out!

Of course, hardwood or tile floors will retain less dust than carpet – especially that shag-style at your grandma’s house.


Your problem could also be something hidden in your attic. Tears or leaks in your duct system could allow dust from the attic to seep into your airflow, and land in your living space. Rooms that are warmer or cooler than others could be an indicator of air duct leaks.


The Bosworth Company has experts that can help! We can run a pressure test on your ducts to determine where the air is escaping or dust is getting in. If you are ready to make an appointment, give us a call at 432-570-5233 or schedule an appointment online. The Bosworth Company. Worth the Call. Always!