Is Tap Water Safe for Babies?

It may not always taste the best coming out of your tap, but drinking water in the United States is widely considered the safest in the world. According to the CDC, close to 300 million people drink, cook, or bathe in water provided by a municipal water system. Still – common issues, such as hard water, could pose some issues for babies or small children. In this post, we’ll look at ways to make sure your water is safe.


If you use formula for feeding your baby, tap water, even from a well, could be ok but it should be tested regularly. Well water has a greater chance of contamination, so regular testing is necessary to make sure it’s baby-safe. With proper testing in place, The Mayo Clinic says most water is safe for formula.


There are legal limits for many contaminants that are commonly found in drinking water. These can include:

  • Metal – Metals in water can include tiny particles of copper, iron, or manganese.
  • Arsenic – More common in wells or private water sources, arsenic is a carcinogen that can cause many health issues if ingested over a long period of time.
  • Lead – Lead is more common in older homes because of lead-based pipes. If your home was built before 1986, you may have a higher risk of lead in your water.
  • Fertilizer and pesticide – Drainages from crop fields or gardens can lead to contaminants entering your water supply.

Harmful levels of each of the above, as well as other contaminants, are filtered out at local water treatment facilities. However, trace amounts can still end up in your water supply. In West Texas, where hard water is common, many homeowners choose to install water filtration systems, such as reverse osmosis, to make sure their water is pure.


The Bosworth Company offers both reverse osmosis (RO) systems and water softeners. These systems can be used separately or together to create the cleanest water possible. If you’re ready to improve drinking water for your whole home, including for your baby, make an appointment online or call us at 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.