3 Simple Tips For Improving Airflow in Your Home

Having an efficient HVAC system is dependent on proper airflow. If ventilation throughout your home is subpar, your system won’t work properly, your bills will increase, the temperature won’t be as comfortable, and your system’s lifespan will be shorter. In this post, we’ll take a look at some simple ways you can help increase airflow throughout your home.


Many newer homes in the Midland and Odessa areas have air vents on the ceiling. Ceiling air vents are relatively easy to keep clear. However, your home may have vents on the walls or floors as well. If that’s the case you’ll want to make sure there’s nothing blocking them. That usually includes furniture or even rugs.

Similarly, make sure to leave every vent open throughout your home. It may seem like a good idea to shut vents in rooms that you don’t use, but this is actually counterproductive and causes air to recirculate within your ducts, which is not what the system is designed to do. Any sort of blockage of your vents ultimately reduces airflow throughout your home.


Air filters are designed to help clean the air as it circulates throughout your home. As air passes through, particles, allergens, and other contaminants are filtered out. The problem occurs when the filter becomes too dirty, and the good air can’t get through. Clogged filters make your whole system work harder – in some cases, it can cause the system to overheat, and quit producing the warm/cool air you need. That’s why it’s critical to change your air filters once every three months, at an absolute minimum. If you feel like you’re running the system a lot, change them as often as once a month. Air filters are inexpensive and can be found at any home improvement store, and even many supermarkets.


Regular maintenance is critical for maintaining any of your appliances, and your heating and air conditioning are no exception. The Bosworth Company recommends two routine-maintenance checks per year. The best time for a Fall or Spring Clean and Check is when you’re preparing to switch from heat to cool, or vice versa. Our trained technicians will thoroughly inspect your entire system to make sure it’s running efficiently.


If you feel like you could use improved airflow in your home, The Bosworth Company can help. Make an appointment online, or call us today at (432) 570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.