3 Signs Your Electrical Setup Isn’t Up To Code

When it comes to home improvements, it’s important to remember that any work you have done needs to be up to code! This is especially true for anything involving your electric circuit panel – including lights, appliances, your HVAC, and anything else that requires power to operate. Proper wiring is critical not only to meet code but to prevent dangerous shocks or even electrical fires.

A certified electrician will have the equipment and know-how to inspect your wiring and provide repairs if needed or perform the proper electric installation. In this post, we’ll discuss a few warning signs that your electrical setup may not be up to code.


Many homes in the Midland and Odessa area were built before the 1980s. Back then, aluminum wiring was a popular alternative to copper. However, aluminum is no longer used in electric wiring because it can expand and contract in extreme temperatures, making it more susceptible to loose connections and potential fire hazards. If your home was built in the 60s or 70s, you should make sure that all the wiring is upgraded.


Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters or GFCI outlets are an important safety measure in your home. They are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, or other areas that are likely to have sitting water. GFCI outlets work to shut off power automatically to prevent electrocution – and are required for homes to meet code. You know you have a GFCI outlet if it has a test and reset button. If you don’t have one in the necessary places (near water), call an electrician for an installation.


Circuit breakers are designed to trip as a safety feature. However, if they seem to be tripping all the time, it’s time for an upgrade. Frequent tripping can be a sign that your household is using more electricity than the breakers can handle. That in itself is a code violation. A licensed electrician can upgrade your entire panel to make sure you get the power you need without any of the risks.


The National Electric Code (NEC) is monitored by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. If any of the above are potential issues in your home, you could be in violation of these codes. Electricians at The Bosworth Company can give your home an electrical inspection, and fix any potentials that may arise. Make an appointment online or call us today at (432) 570-5233. It’s Worth the Call.  Always.