Time To Replace Your HVAC?

Cooler weather is finally here! After an unusually hot summer, you’re probably ready for a break from the heat – and so is your air conditioning! It’s been working hard for the past several months. But it won’t be long until it’s time to fire up the heater. We always recommend seasonal tune-ups (more information on our Fall Clean and Check below) but when do you need more than just a tune-up? In this post, we’ll look at those circumstances where it might be time to entirely replace your HVAC system.


Many of us saw high electric bills this summer. While that was mainly due to the heat – could it have been that your unit wasn’t running at maximum efficiency? Is it spiking more than it should? Let us take a look at your air conditioning unit and determine what needs to be done.


As with any maintenance, you have to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a new unit versus frequent and costly repairs. Some maintenance is normal but regular, serious repairs could mean you’re better off spending the money to replace your unit.


HVAC units should typically last around 10 years. If you’ve had yours for more than a decade, you are likely losing some efficiency. This can be especially noticeable if some rooms are consistently warmer or cooler than others. An older unit is also more likely to have collected dust throughout the years, thus spreading it throughout your home.


Our Fall Clean and Check is available right now for only $109. Call today to schedule your HVAC tune-up! We’ll take a close look and give you an honest opinion about whether it’s time to consider a new system. We’ll even provide a free air filter! Schedule an appointment online or call us today at 432-570-5233. It’s Worth the Call. Always.