Odessa Heating Services

Contact our knowledgeable and friendly team for quality Odessa heating services. We also serve nearby cities like Big Spring, Midland, and Stanton.

The coldest days in Odessa, TX, can dip down to the low 20s, making indoor heating essential. Unfortunately, even the most reliable HVAC systems can fail at the worst moments and leave you without heat. This is where we come in.

At The Bosworth Company, we proudly offer central heating solutions for homes and businesses in the Permian Basin. Whether you need a new furnace installation or timely heater repair services, you can trust us for a job well done. We also provide 24/7 live answers, free estimates, and a satisfaction guarantee for your peace of mind.

Know When to Schedule Emergency Heater Repair in Odessa, Texas

We often meet clients who wait until the last minute to get professional help. If you want to minimize risks and complications, call us the moment you encounter these problems:

  • Electrical issues: Buzzing noises, burnt odors, and erratic operation can indicate loosened connections, faulty wiring, or other serious problems. Turn off your heater and call us immediately.
  • High carbon monoxide levels: If your carbon monoxide detector keeps going off or people on your property experience flu-like symptoms, don’t ignore it. Faulty heaters can release high levels of dangerous gases.
  • Poor heating performance: When you have elderly or other vulnerable people on your property, always stay vigilant. Don’t wait until the heat drops too low before scheduling Odessa heating services.

Our trustworthy technicians can quickly assess your system and deliver a lasting repair. We can also recommend a preventative maintenance plan so that you can avoid similar issues from happening in the future.

If you need more assurance, read our past reviews! We’ve earned a stellar reputation as a heating contractor in Odessa, TX, and all around the Permian Basin.