Midland Child Proof Outlet Installation Services

Keep your family safe with quality child-proof outlets in Midland, Texas. Call us today to install outlets in Midland, Kermit, Odessa, and surrounding areas.

When child-proofing your home, one of the best defenses against electrical accidents is child-proof outlets. This small but essential detail makes all the difference between an accident-free space and an unsafe living environment for children.

At The Bosworth Company, we specialize in professional and secure child-proof electrical outlet installation services in Midland, TX, and the surrounding areas. Our experienced and trustworthy technicians understand the importance of keeping children safe, so you can count on us to give you peace of mind with top-quality installations.

If you need electrical or heating repair services in Central and South Texas, our expert team can also help. Contact us today to schedule service.

What Children Put in Electrical Outlets and the Potential Hazards

Did you know that at least 30% of household accidents result from children inserting common items into electrical outlets? These items include keys, hairpins, plugs, paper clips, nail files, jewelry, belt buckles, plugs, and knives.

Putting these items into electrical receptacles can expose your child to risks, including the following: